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Hip Pain

Too many people struggle with pain in the hip. We help identify the source of the pain and teach you how to make it feel better as quickly as possible

Hip Pain

Hip Pain Relief in Marathon, WI: More Than Just Your Hip


Hip pain can significantly impact your mobility and daily life. While a worn-out hip joint is a concern, the source of your pain might be closer to your back than you think. At Marks Chiropractic in Marathon, WI, we take a comprehensive approach to hip pain, considering the often-missed culprits in your lower back.

Beyond the Hip Joint: Rethinking the Source of Pain

Statistics show that hip joint problems are a less frequent cause of hip pain compared to referred pain from the lumbar spine and sacroiliac (SI) joint. Here's why:

  • Lumbar Spine: Joint stiffness, lack of stability, or disc issues in your lower back can irritate nerves that travel down the leg and manifest as hip pain. 

  • Sacroiliac Joint Dysfunction: The SI joint connects your spine to your pelvis. Dysfunction here can cause pain that radiates to the buttocks and hip. SI joint pain is much less common than lumbar spine referred pain but performance of a thorough evaluation is crucial to determine the source of symptoms


Unraveling the Mystery: Our Thorough Evaluation

At Marks Chiropractic in Central Wisconsin, we go beyond a simple hip evaluation. Our comprehensive approach includes:

  • Detailed History and Physical Examination: We'll discuss your symptoms, daily activities, and any potential risk factors. A thorough physical exam will assess range of motion, tenderness, joint function, any mobility or stability issues, and nerve function.

  • Postural Analysis: Your posture can reveal underlying imbalances that contribute to hip pain.

  • Neurological Testing: We may test reflexes and nerve function to identify potential nerve involvement.

  • Imaging (When Necessary): X-rays or MRIs might be recommended in specific cases, but we prioritize non-invasive methods first. In most cases x-rays and advanced imaging are unnecessary to help treat your painful condition. Should any red flags arise or concerns in your history or evaluation come forth imaging may become necessary prior to treatment to gain the best clinical picture to assist in your care. 

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