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Migraine Headaches

Too many people suffer from debilitating headaches leading to missed days of school, work, and sport. We help people find relief from their headaches and return to functioning on a daily basis.

Migraine Headaches

Find Relief From Migraines in Marathon, Wisconsin: Natural Headache Solutions


Headaches can be a real drag on your day. But if you frequently experience throbbing, debilitating pain, you might be dealing with migraines. Here at Marks Chiropractic in Marathon, Wisconsin, just outside Wausau, our chiropractors can help diagnose and manage your migraines using a variety of natural, drug-free techniques.


Beyond Migraines: A Range of Headache Types

Migraines are intense headaches characterized by throbbing pain, often on one side of the head, accompanied by nausea, vomiting, and sensitivity to light and sound. But headaches come in many forms, and it's important to understand the differences:

  • Tension headaches: The most common type, causing a dull, aching sensation on both sides of the head, often triggered by stress or muscle tension.

  • Cluster headaches: These are severe, excruciating headaches occurring in cycles around the eyes or temples, often accompanied by facial sweating and tearing.

  • Cervicogenic headaches: Originating in the neck due to joint stiffness or muscle tightness, these headaches cause pain that radiates from the neck to the head.

  • Sinus headaches: Inflammation of the sinuses can lead to facial pressure and pain, often accompanied by congestion and facial tenderness.


Comprehensive Chiropractic Care for Headache Relief

At Marks Chiropractic, we take a personalized approach to headache management, addressing the root cause of your pain and preventing future occurrences. Here's how we can help with different headache types:

  • Migraines: Spinal adjustments can improve joint function and mobility while reducing inflammation, potentially lessening migraine frequency and severity. We may also recommend relaxation techniques and lifestyle modifications.

  • Tension Headaches: Chiropractic adjustments can improve posture and reduce muscle tension, a common trigger for tension headaches. We may also suggest ergonomic improvements and stress management tips.

  • Cervicogenic Headaches: By addressing mobility issues in the cervical spine, chiropractic care can improve joint function and alleviate pain radiating to the head. Supportive exercises and posture correction can further prevent headaches.

  • Sinus Headaches: While not directly treating sinus issues, chiropractic adjustments can improve drainage and reduce pressure in the head, offering some sinus headache relief.


Additional Techniques for Headache Relief:

In addition to chiropractic adjustments, we may utilize other natural therapies to complement your headache management plan:

  • Trigger point therapy: Targeting specific muscle knots with applied pressure can help release tension and alleviate headache pain.

  • Dry Needling: Improving pain relief and decreased inflammation can assist in headache relief. Dry needling is also very effective in treating trigger points or knots in the neck and shoulder muscles

  • Massage therapy: Promoting relaxation and blood flow, massage can help reduce muscle tension and improve headache symptoms.

  • Lifestyle modifications: Identifying and addressing triggers like food sensitivities, dehydration, or lack of sleep can significantly reduce headache frequency.


Experience Life Migraine-Free in Marathon, WI

Don't let headaches control your life. Our chiropractors at Marks Chiropractic in Marathon, WI, are dedicated to helping residents of Marathon, Wausau, and surrounding areas in Central Wisconsin find lasting relief from headaches. Schedule an appointment today and take the first step towards a headache-free future!

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